Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Baltimore Woodworking Since 2010

I am trying to get this first post up before the New Year. The shop is still in disarray. None of the machines have power going to them yet. I am going to run the jointer and planer with extension cords tonight. But  I have completed my first project! I made a glass vase stand for a friend(no money yet :( ). I used mostly hand tools except for the router and bandsaw. So here it is a walnut vase stand with maple hold downs!

I really can't wait to get the shop set up better so that I can mill lumber properly. I am not sure what my next project will be. But I hope to build something using traditional joinery, doors and drawers would be nice too. But I am still setting up shop so I am moving forward at a gradual pace. See you next time.

1 comment:

  1. Chris,
    nice vase holder (especially considering your lack of tool power right now). Good luck getting the shop set up. Once you do, please share a tour with us.
